(Updated July 16, 2024)
Storm Peak Hang Gliding and Paragliding is authorized to regulate paragliding, hang gliding and other forms of foot-launched free flight from launches on the Steamboat Ski Resort and USFS (e.g. Storm Peak Launch, Gondola Launch) and landing on property owned by the City of Steamboat Springs et al (e.g. Whistler Park, Haymaker LZ). We have a formal agreement with the USFS and are designated by the Steamboat Ski Resort, the City of Steamboat Springs, Mt. Werner Water District and Steamboat School District RE-2 as the regulating authority for the mountain launches and the valley landing areas. Launching from the Ski Area or landing on City owned property without approval from SPGHA is strictly prohibited, jeopardizes our flying site, and violations may be prosecuted.
Please follow the steps below and connect with us before you fly. If you are planning to hike and fly from a launch location on federal land (e.g. USFS, BLM) and to also land on federal land, we still encourage you to reach out and talk to us about our local flying conditions. However, SPHGA has no formal authority over such flights that don’t involve Steamboat Ski Area or City of Steamboat Springs land for either launch or landing.